TLC by Chrouya Script: PhotoKano 06 [mdai] Workraw: PhotoKano 06 (480p) {DISCONTINUED -- ALREADY RELEASED WITHOUT MY EDITS} 4 I had the most fun back when...{The most fun I had back then...} I had the most fun back in those days...{The most fun I had back then...} 5 ...we all played together until we were covered with mud and it got dark out, Maeda-kun. ...when we played football and such all together until we were covered with mud and it got dark out. {I feel like the suspense in this sentence is being removed otherwise} {drop the Maeda-kun, that would already be included in the "all" in the Japanese context} {combine with line 6} 6 And when we played football.{the ordering doesn't really work here lol -alta} {I'd combine this line with line 5} 7 I wished I had been born a boy too. I wished I had been born a boy like you. {Just a suggestion if it sounds a bit too ambigious.} ^^^ Sorry if this isn't consistant with the translation from episode 5 ^^;